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Official Furness League Rules 



1.1   That the Association be called or styled ``The Furness & District Bowling League`` and shall be open to all clubs in the Furness area who shall subscribe to the expenses of the League an annual subscription that the Committee shall determine. Clubs may be levied as necessary. The aim of the Association is to promote and support crown green bowls in the Furness area in accordance with the B.C.G.B.A. laws of the game, and the Furness & District League rules.


1.1(a) The F&D.B.L is affiliated to both British and Cumbria - Crown Green Bowling Associaitions  

1.1(b) It is recognised that 42 teams is the optimum number for 3 Divisions, given the number of weekends and greens available. There shall be an equal number of teams in each League where appropriate.

1.1(c) In these foregoing rules, the Furness & District Bowling League is referred to as the League, the Association Secretary is referred to as the Secretary and the Management Committee is referred to as the Committee.


1.2   Any club wishing to join the League shall make an application in writing to the Secretary, no later than the November meeting. The application shall be placed before the Committee for approval or otherwise. The club applying for membership shall pay an entrance fee, the same to be returned if not elected. Any club(s) leaving the League for one or more seasons, and desiring to re-join later, shall be required to deposit a guarantee, the same to be returned at the end of each season, providing the club(s) fulfil all of their obligations to the League. Yearly membership shall expire on 31st March each year. Any club wishing to withdraw a team from the League, must notify the Secretary in writing within 28 days of the 1st April, otherwise they will be deemed to be members and liable for their annual subscriptions. All subscriptions and dues to be paid to the Treasurer by the end of the season, or a fine will be incurred.


1.3   The League shall be governed by a Committee consisting of four Officials: Chairman, Secretary, Vice- Chairman and Treasurer, plus one Delegate from each member club.


1.3(a)  The Chairman and Secretary, shall be elected to stand for two years at the A-G-M, and elected on alternate years. The Chairman shall have a casting vote only when required. The Secretary shall not be allowed to vote on any matter.

1.3(b) The Vice-Chairman and Treasurer shall be elected annually at the A-G-M. Both shall not be allowed to vote on any matter.

1.3(c) The Committee shall select three of their number, who together with the four Officials, shall act as an Emergency Committee to meet and deal with any matter suddenly arising. The Secretary to minute all matters discussed.  In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Committee shall select one Delegate to act as Chairman.


 1.4  An annual general meeting shall be held in the last 2 weeks in October / the first 2 weeks in November at an appropriate time and place to be decided by the Committee, where an audit of accounts shall be presented for approval. Any club wishing to place an item on the agenda must submit the same to the Secretary no later than four weeks before the date of the A.G.M. The Secretary must inform all clubs no later than 7 days after receiving any item for discussion. Any item received after the closing date will be discussed at the September meeting. If it is deemed to be of significant importance, then it will be presented at the A.G.M.


1.4(a) League meetings are held in the last week of the months January to November, and on any other occasion deemed necessary. November meeting to set all fees, levies, fines, deposits etc. for the coming season. Any club not present at a League meeting or the A-G-M, shall be fined, with the exception of clubs having matches on the night of a meeting.

1.4(b) The delegates meetings will be held at various bowling clubs that have availability and space on the evenings required.


1.5   At the Annual General Meeting, all members shall be allowed to attend. The Chairman shall take the roll-call, with only one member from each club allowed to vote. When a vote is required, the Chairman shall, in alphabetical order, read out each club in turn, who shall when called, indicate for or against the item being voted on.


​1.6   No alteration to the playing rules can be made by the F & D.B.L. only recommendations which will be
forwarded to the Cumbria County Association.


1.7   All games must be played in accordance with the rules here laid down, and all players will abide by the laws of the game as laid down in the B.C.G.B.A. Official Handbook, a copy of which must be made available at each club.


1.2   The F & D.B.L. is open to all gender types.




2.1   All clubs must submit the names and addresses of their club Secretaries and Delegates no later than the January Committee meeting, for publication in the League Handbook.


2.2   All clubs to display a full list of registered players. Should any club play an ineligible player, that club shall be fined.

2.2(a) If a player is registered for two clubs in the same season, he shall be suspended pending the results of a Committee investigation


2.3   Where teams request a preference for “Friday evening” or “Saturday afternoon” fixtures, then they shall play all their home matches on their preferred day, but away fixtures shall be played on their opponent's choice of day. Promotion shall not be denied because a team is a "Friday” or “Saturday” team, or has more than one team in the same division.


2.4   Any player reported by his club as having failed to meet his obligations shall be debarred from taking further part in Furness League bowling, unless circumstances are such to cause the Committee to agree to the reinstatement of the player concerned. The previous seasons defaulting players must be reported at or before the February Committee meeting.


2.5   A player(s) may only be transferred from one club to another, if both clubs and the League Committee agree and the transfer request is received, in writing by the League Secretary, before 1st June. No transfer will be allowed after this date.



2.6   New players may join the League during the season and allowed to play on the day of a match, providing both Captains agree. The club Secretary concerned must forward to the League Secretary, conformation of the new player, together with his B.C.G.B.A. registration number within three days of the game being played.


2.7   Players disagreeing during a game, must submit their dispute to the Captains for a decision. In the case of unsettled disputes, advice must be sent for, to the League Secretary within seven days.



2.8   If two or more teams finish the season on the same number of points, their final league position  to be decided on the most number of matches won, before the most drawn games are taken into account. If this fails, then chalks for will be divided by chalks against and the team with the better aggregate will prevail.  The same format to apply on relegation issues.


2.9   Promotion and relegation shall be top 2 up and bottom 2 down at the end of each season

2.9(a) It is recognised that when adjusting the Leagues to compensate for team(s) dropping out, NO Division has two teams more than any other.



2.10   Any dispute or irregular use of the rules which is not provided for in these foregoing laws, shall be decided by the Emergency /Full Committee who shall meet in accordance with rule 1.3(c ). Their decision shall be final.


2.11   The season will begin the 1st April, or on an appropriate date that allows the Fixture Secretary to complete the League fixtures in the allotted time.


2.12   If due to adverse weather conditions, the League programme cannot be completed by the last Saturday of the season, then all outstanding games must be completed by the following Tuesday.




3.1   Each club shall select a team of 10 players and the team sheets be numbered 1 to 10 opposite players
names. The competing teams shall be drawn together for the first game of the season by an official in charge of the team sheet, and afterwards according to their points. Players will be awarded 1 point for a win, and when two or more players are level on points, their aggregate will decide their position on the team sheet. If still undecided, they play in alphabetical order.


3.2   Any player playing for a club with two teams in the same division, must play according to his point(s)
and/or aggregate whichever team he plays for. In the event of clubs having teams in different divisions, a player from the higher division, must play top man in his first game only for a team in the lower division, and afterwards according to his points or aggregate in the lower division, his first two games only from the higher division to be credited towards his aggregate for team selection in the lower division. If a player plays more than two games for a team competing in a higher division than his regular team, then his first and second games only will count towards the League and Merit prizes. No player from a lower division can carry wins from that division into a higher division.


3.3   The visiting Captain shall have preference regarding the order in which games are to be played with the exception of the first two games, which will be selected by the home Captain. Only 4 jacks to be allowed on the green at any one time unless both Captains agree to more.



3.4   In the event of a player(s) or reserves failing to turn up, the player whom he is drawn against shall be      awarded the game 21-0 and also the point(s) immediately. The player so awarded the game shall have the point but not the 21-0 put into his aggregate immediately. The absentee`s end of season aggregate will include the score 21-0 against him. The offending club(s) shall be fined for each absentee.


3.5   Afternoon games to commence at 2-00pm. All night games from 1st May through to 31st August to start at 6-00pm. All night games before 1st of May and after 31st of August to start at 5-30pm. Blow-out times for all games is 1hr-30mins after the start time. In all games, if both Captains agree, the start times can vary to earlier or later in the day. In all games 15mins practice will be offered to a visiting team prior to the commencement of the game.  Any alteration to the date of any fixture must be notified to the League Secretary by each club within 24 hours of the alteration being agreed.


3.6   A player when called upon, unless he has been declared working, must within 5 minutes commence the game, failure to do so, his place shall be filled by the named reserve player. Any player engaged at work must be declared before the match starts. No player may play more than one corresponding numbered game.


3.7   If any team withdraws from the League, all games played during the season by that team, will be cancelled.


3.8   It is the responsibility of both club Secretaries to verify that the team results are entered onto the        League web-site promptly after all games. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the        League Secretary within 48 hours of the fixture.


3.9   Clubs shall be required to post an up to date aggregate sheet for all their teams in such a position on       their green, that it may be inspected by the visiting team if required.


3.10   Team aggregate points shall be awarded as follows:-

               2 POINTS FOR A HOME WIN

               1 POINT FOR A HOME DRAW

               3 POINTS FOR AN AWAY WIN

               2 POINTS FOR AN AWAY DRAW

               Teams to receive 1 POINT for each winning player.


3.11   Both clubs must provide appropriate B.C.G.B.A approved measuring equipment and a          player/person to measure when required. The home team to provide the `` 19 `` metre tape. Failure             to do so, the point in dispute shall be awarded to the visiting opponent.


3.12   In the event of any game being postponed through bad weather or other causes, the postponed        game must be arranged within seven days and played within twenty eight days, the visiting team to have preference in respect of the re-arranged date. Both clubs must advise the League Secretary of the re-arranged date. Games not fixed within the said period will be dealt with by the Committee. All games must be played before the final game of the season.


3.13   All matches to be played in accordance with the fixture book, with no fixtures being postponed for           any reason apart from bad weather. Clubs may however mutually agree to play a match on an earlier        date than shown in the fixture book.    



3.14   No individual games can be played either before or after a match. In the case of a postponement,
the whole match or if a game has started, remainder of the match must be played as a whole.


3.15   No games to be called off before the official start time unless the green keeper/his deputy has closed the green.


3.16   If a club fielding more than one team on any match weekend has cause to postpone a match due to lack of players, then the team(s) placed highest in the division or position must play its/their match(es) with the lower team(s) having their game postponed. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in a fine or other imposition on the offending club. 




4.1   The Secretary of each club shall forward to the Secretary, within 48 hours of the completion of the League programme, the names, points and scores for and against of the two players / nominees having the highest aggregate for their club in the League matches.  Failure to comply will incur a fine.


4.2   In the final or the final rounds of any competition run by the F. & D.B.L. the B.C.G.B.A. rule on dress code will apply.


4.3   Winners of trophies shall be required to give a guarantee signed by two accredited members to replace any loss or damage sustained to such trophies. Trophies must be handed in to the Secretary before the last match of the season.


4.4   Prize money to be distributed at the end of the season. The Committee, at their discretion, and dependant up on League Funds, shall fix such prize money.


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